Amellar Solutions: Enabling E-Local Government Since 1994

Amellar GIS: Thematic Mapping

A mapping solution that allows users to create different types of maps according to their needs or purposes. It can combine basic information that tells you WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY and HOW.

Amellar GIS: Thematic Mapping Amellar GIS: Thematic Mapping

Miscellaneous Revenues System

A powerful tool in assessing and collecting miscellaneous revenues that are often neglected such as franchise tax, community tax, professional tax and many others.

Miscellaneous Revenues System Miscellaneous Revenues System

Real Property Tax Administration System

Computerizes and seamlessly intergrates the comprehensive appraisal, assessment, billing, and collection of real property taxes which also covers the RPTA functions and activities of the assessor's and treasurer's offices.

Real Property Tax Administration System Real Property Tax Administration System

Business Permits & Licensing System

Simplifies business permits and licensing operations by automating the permit application process, assessment of taxes and fees, billing, payment, and liquidation of collections.

Business Permits & Licensing System Business Permits & Licensing System

Amellar Revenue Collection System

An affordable, highly customized system application specifically designed for local government unit treasurers to help them organize and consolidate all their collection transactions.

Amellar Revenue Collection System Amellar Revenue Collection System


The first political database software of its kind in the country which is designed to help electoral candidates, campaign managers, and political handlers to make precise and systematic assessments of support bases, and to devise appropriate and focused campaign strategies and tactics.

Eleksyon Eleksyon

Amellar Statement of Receipts & Expenditures System

A highly advanced system for capturing and reporting receipts and expenditures specially customized for the local government unit treasurers in the country.

Amellar Statement of Receipts & Expenditures System Amellar Statement of Receipts & Expenditures System

Our Products

RGS: Revenue Generation Systems

Amellar Delivers e-Government Reality

Electronic government or e-government has helped transform many governments worldwide to become more effective and efficient, and thus better at serving citizens. However, many LGUs in the Philippines are held back from pursuing e-government initiatives by limited funds and the daunting challenges associated with computerization.

Amellar© - a pioneering ICT provider - presents excellent opportunities that enable LGUs to achieve e-government reality now. We offer Amellar RGS or aRGS, a complete line of revenue generation systems that are envisioned to radically increase your actual revenues, and thus make your ICT initiatives pay for themselves.

Amellar RGS is also designed to improve the delivery of services to citizens, eliminate layers of unnecessary paper work, enhance accessibility of information to the public, and simplify business processes through a smoother flow of work.

Maximizing Your Revenue Potentials

aRGS is a line of computer-based revenue generation management systems that are fully developed, and available for immediate installation and customization. Each application is guaranteed to provide you with quantifiable improvements in your revenues. aRGS allows you the flexibility to implement each application or its modules either individually or collectively - depending on your needs, priorities and available resources.

aRGS is composed of seven (7) applications:

Common Features and Capabilities

All applications of aRGS use leading edge technologies, and have user-friendly features and capabilities that are unrivalled by other LGU applications available in the market today. These include -

  • Legal
    • Conformance with the Local Government Code of 1991 (LGC), E-Commerce Act of 2000 (R.A. 8792) and other laws.
    • Customizable to local revenue policies and other legal issuance.
    • Include report formats that are compliant to the LGC, Department of Finance, and Commission on Audit.
  • Operational
    • Cover all transaction processing requirements of concerned offices.
    • Automatic update of payment and related records after every transaction.
    • One-to-one link of assessment and collection records.
    • User-defined tables of taxes, fees, charges, and other assessments and collection factors.
    • Instantaneous and versatile report generation capability (legally required, technical, management, and statistical).
    • Hassle-free search, update, storage, and retrieval of records.
    • Dynamic link-up with other applications for cross-referencing, validation, or processing purposes.
    • Built-in data capture system to convert paper records into digital databases, which can be easily accessed and reused over time.
    • Robust search engine.
    • Option to use pre-printed official receipts and other accountable and non-accountable forms.
    • Highly flexible and scalable to your growing needs.
    • Allow department heads or administrators to grant employees access to specific system functions.
    • Secured transactions with audit trail of all system activities.
  • Technical
    • Use Online Transaction Processing System (OLTP) and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) technologies.
    • Point-of-Sale (POS) type of use and Graphic User Interface (GUI) point-and-click features.
    • Incorporates reengineering and intelligent integration of various local government business processes.
    • Multi-level security and redundant back up systems.
    • Run on UNIX or Windows platform and makes use of leading relational database management systems (RDBMS) such as DB2TM, InformixTM, and SQL ServerTM.
    • Can be dynamically linked with Geographic Information System (GIS) technology and Internet applications.

Common Benefits

aRGS provides you with guaranteed benefits, including -

  • Increased revenues by expanding the tax base, establishing tax collectibles, identifying tax delinquencies, and ensuring uniformity of taxes.
  • Improved accuracy and integrity of records.
  • Reduced transaction time.
  • Total quality service to constituents.
  • Streamlined and reengineered internal operations.
  • Improved information flow, both within the LGU and to the public.
  • Administrative efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Enhanced LGU-community relationship.
  • Increased accountability and transparency of transactions.
  • Improved public access.

Total Quality Service

As the leading system integrator for LGUs, we provide the complete ICT requirements to ensure that you reap immediate benefits from any aRGS products. Options in each aRGS system package include -

  • System and Application Software

    Each aRGS component includes the necessary software licenses and applications. Each application covers a specific revenue operation that integrates data and provides tools for data analysis. Every system has been developed, customized, repeatedly tested, and ready for your immediate use. In addition, you can acquire aRGS applications in a client/server environment. Or you may also acquire some of them as a stand-alone system.

  • Database Construction

    Reliable and accurate databases are the foundation of an efficient and realistic revenue system. This is included in the Amellar RPTA and Amellar BPLS, and may be purchased separately in the other aRGS applications. With database construction, your revenue records are encoded, digitized, or scanned depending on the kind of data formats currently available. These records go through a series of systematic cleansing and reconciliation procedures that go beyond textbook quality assurance standards - to ensure the accuracy of records to be used in automated aRGS transactions.

  • Training and Technical Support

    Our goal is to make the LGU staff become proficient in using aRGS applications to ensure the success of your ICT project. We offer a range of Support Level Options depending on your needs and priorities. Initially, we conduct a training needs assessment to evaluate the interests, expectations, needs of end-users, and customize actual training.

    Each aRGS package includes hands-on training, documentation and manuals, and active offsite technical support to ensure the smooth operation and sustainability of your ICT projects. Depending on your Support Level Option, you may also be entitled to regular visits, refresher courses/seminars, and technical advisories on related matters. Seminars on special topics on information analysis are also conducted periodically to enable LGU staff to fully utilize the features and functions of Amellar RGS applications.

  • Hardware

    To fully utilize the benefits of aRGS, all software are packaged with their necessary servers, workstations, printers, and other peripherals. They come with service warranties, and are delivered and configured to sustain demands for maximum productivity.

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