Over the years, public tricycles and their variants have become the most common mode of transportation in many LGUs. LGUs regulate their operation to protect the safety of the riding public and abate vehicular traffic. Regulation starts from the grant of franchises and continues with the redirection of tricycle routes.

Amellar TRS© enables the LGU’s tricycle registration office to electronically manage and monitor tricycle franchises and ownerships. With Amellar TRS©, LGUs can control and monitor tricycles, including their impact on traffic and responsiveness to public interests.

To help LGUs rationalize tricycle franchising, Amellar TRS© features a digital map with geographic information such as barangay boundaries, tricycle routes, route measurements, and population density. The GIS-enabled map helps LGUs analyze traffic-related schemes and regulate the volume of tricycles operating in a franchise area.


  • Automates the registration and issuance of tricycle franchises including the printing of tricycle operator’s permits and other transaction reports.
  • Includes digital geographic information such as road network showing authorized routes and terminals for easier analysis.
  • Matches tricycle ownerships vis-a-vis franchise holders, and flags potential illegal transfers or sales of franchises thus avoiding “colorum” operators.
  • Integrates with the Amellar MRS© for automated collection and payment validation.


  • Allows visual analysis of routes and franchise issuances.
  • Improves ability to manage vehicular traffic.
  • Enables faster services to tricycle operators and franchise applicants.
  • Monitors ownerships and status of franchises, number of tricycles operating in a given route, and TODA membership.
  • Increases responsiveness to the needs of the commuting public.