The local civil registry is the repository of all birth, marriage, and death records, and other registrable documents. Citizens need these documents to register for school, collect social benefits, travel abroad, or other similar important occasions.

Amellar CRS© is a digital document management system that dramatically boosts LCR’s efficiency and effectiveness. Amellar CRS© automates the LCR’s paper-based operation, making the registration and issuance of civil registry documents faster and easier.

Amellar CRS© greatly facilitates the preparation and transmission of appropriate reports and documents to the Civil Registrar General and the National Statistics Office. Amellar CRS© also preserves the archival records of the local civil registry in digital format.

Major Features

  • Handles online processing of civil registry documents and judicial decrees.
  • Enables instant search and retrieval of civil registry documents.
  • Automates issuance of certified copies of registered documents, and assessment of fees.
  • Generates reports and documents for the Civil Registrar-General and the NSO, various demographic and statistical reports, and revenue or collection reports.
  • Allows convenient encoding through the Document Image Window.
  • Integrates with Amellar MRS© for automated fee collection and payment validation.


  • Improves service to citizens with dramatically reduced transaction and delivery times.
  • Avoids misplaced or missing documents.
  • Allows instant access to and retrieval of records.
  • Simplifies and organizes records management.
  • Minimizes physical storage space requirements.
  • Ensures records accuracy and integrity.
  • Makes records readily available.
  • Minimizes paper-based documentation.