Local engineering offices review building plans and issue building permits, monitor building construction and issue occupancy permits. Many LGUs can hardly keep track of these numerous tasks. Amellar EPS© greatly increases LGU efficiency by facilitating the issuance of building-related permits and providing a database of all transactions.

Amellar EPS© systematizes day-to-day operations and records management of Local Engineering Offices, which is otherwise extremely difficult in a manual-based operation given the numerous tasks and usually a huge number of building constructions in progress at any given period.

Major Features

  • Automates the assessment, billing, and collection of engineering fees.
  • Automates the processing and issuance of building, occupancy, and other related permits.
  • Automates record updates based on field inspection.
  • Provides table-based schedule of fees in accordance with the National Building Code and local ordinances.
  • Links dynamically with Amellar RPTA© for cross-validation and to facilitate declaration and assessment of buildings.
  • Integrates with the Amellar MRS© for automated collection and payment validation.


  • Makes the computation of building permit fees easier and more accurate.
  • Reduces processing time for issuance of permits.
  • Increases staff time for reviewing building plans, and monitoring building construction and compliance with NBC requirements.
  • Improves records management.