
The innovations in information technology have found their widespread application in many facets of our everyday lives. The benefits of IT have been incalculable that almost everyone expects to encounter computers at every turn from banking transactions, and payment of utility bills, to ordering pizza.

Although the private sector has been more aggressive in adopting IT solutions to increase profits and improve customer satisfaction, the benefits of IT to local governments have yet to be established. The use of IT in local governance or electronic governance is now gaining wider acceptance as being both critical and strategic for government entities to meet their primary mandate of providing basic public goods and services. Electronic governance allows government to respond to the growing needs of an IT-enabled constituency better, faster, and cheaper.

Our Mission

Amellar is a system integrator committed to creating opportunities that enable local governments to achieve financial stability, operational efficiency, and global competitiveness through E-Government. Amellar adheres to the highest standards of service enlightened by professional ethics and universal values. Amellar‘s greatest resource our workforce is empowered to attain their fullest potential through teamwork, constant learning, creation, innovation, and development of new technologies that provide the most benefits to local governments.

Our Strategy

Amellar is committed to e-government reality. We exist to help local governments succeed with their e-government strategies and programs. Amellar‘s principle-centered and practical approaches give us the edge in facilitating digital government realities.

Amellar‘s league of satisfied clients can prove that our systems and methodologies deliver outstanding results. We assure clients with strong political will that they can achieve political and financial stability within one year or less.

Enabling e-Local Government since 1994

Since 1994, Amellar has been enabling local government units to make e-government a reality. A pioneer in developing ICT solutions for LGUs, Amellar continues to spearhead private sector initiatives and innovations in electronic local government.

Amellar has established a track record of excellence, with the successful implementation of various computerization projects in a number of major cities and municipalities in the country. The Automated Real Property Tax Administration System is Amellar‘s first product offering for LGUs. Today, it has a complete line of ICT products and services for e-local government that are guaranteed to deliver measurable benefits and advantages for LGUs.

Entrepreneurial Governance

Entrepreneurial governance refers to a new paradigm in public governance where the traditional methods of governance are eschewed in favor of entrepreneurial approaches. The principles of entrepreneurial governance include catalyzing public and private resources and participation in resolving community problems, promoting privatization and competition in the delivery of public services, redefining and empowering constituents as customers, and focusing on revenue generation more than cost reduction.

Amellar Enables Entrepreneurial Governance

Amellar is a strong proponent of both electronic and entrepreneurial governance. Amellar‘s products and services are envisioned to enable LGUs to become more entrepreneurial by leveraging IT solutions.

Amellar has enabled client-LGUs in their successful transition from manual to electronic governance. These LGUs have relied on the Amellar System to:

  • Handled the digital databases of nearly 2.7 Million real property records of 49 LGUs.
  • Managed around Php448+ Billion worth of LGU tax bases.
  • Identified over Php12 billion in tax collectibles.
  • Collected more than Php3 billion in local taxes annually.
  • Generated and printed over 7.2 Million tax declarations and tax bills annually.
  • Served nearly 1.4 million taxpayers.
  • Processed more than 500,000 automated LGU transactions annually.
  • Identified hundreds of thousands of undeclared or under-declared real properties.

Amellar empowers LGUs to improve and ensure the integrity of records maintenance. Amellar has digitally converted, stabilized, and maintained the digital records of over 1.9 million real property units (RPU) of 32 LGUs, which have an aggregate taxable assessed value (TAV) of more than Php314.7 Billion. As of April 2007, Amellar is constructing the digital databases of one province, one city, and six municipalities with estimated aggregate RPUs of more than 300,000.

Amellar enables LGUs to immediately recover investments in IT projects. Amellar projects are always completed in record times enabling LGUs to immediately identify additional tax and other revenue collectibles and improve collection efficiency.

Amellar enables LGUs to improve their planning and decision-making capabilities through automated tools. Record maintenance is kept at the minimum while making access to secured information fast and reliable from the front-line LGU personnel to the local chief executives.

Amellar places LGUs at the forefront of electronic governance and electronic commerce, with the use of cutting-edge technology. LGUs get the most advanced software applications in OLTP Systems, DSS, GIS, and Internet technologies that are available globally. Amellar‘s dynamic partnerships with leading IT companies and intensive multi-tiered, inter-platform research provide LGUs with best-of-breed technologies in computer hardware, operating systems, networking, databases, programming languages, and comprehensive training in diverse IT fields.

Amellar enables LGUs to achieve greater financial independence and self-reliance. It helps LGUs identify previously unknown delinquencies and tax evaders, and steadily increase tax collections over time.

Amellar helps LGUs markedly improve their services to taxpayers, who can now complete transactions with the LGU in a few minutes instead of several hours, and also helps LGUs promote public accountability and transparency of transactions. Its automated business solutions greatly minimize opportunities for graft and corruption.